Zopiclone 20 MG

Zopiclone 20 MG (Zopiclone)

Active Ingredient Zopiclone
Indication: Anxiety and Insomnia
Manufacturer: Kachhela Medex Pvt. Ltd.
Packaging: 10 tablets in 1 strip
Strength: 20mg
Delivery Time: 6 To 15 days
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Zopiclone 20 MG (Zopiclone) - 20mg

20mgPricePrice/unitQuantityAdd To Cart
50 Tablet/s $150 $3 /Piece
100 Tablet/s $240 $2.4 /Piece
200 Tablet/s $320 $1.6 /Piece
300 Tablet/s $430 $1.43 /Piece
500 Tablet/s $660 $1.32 /Piece
1000 Tablet/s $1190 $1.19 /Piece
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Zopiclone 20 mg Malaysia is something you need right now if you’re experiencing anxiety or insomnia that isn’t ready to leave! This sleeping pill helps in treating these conditions without requiring prolonged usage. Let’s see what it is all about.

Where To Buy Zopiclone 20mg In Malaysia?

Before we look at the product details, let us introduce you to a reliable pharmacy in Malaysia where you can fulfill your purchase – malaysiameds.com. We’re proudly delivering healthcare medicines with 100% assured quality and reasonable rates. Get exciting discounts too!

What Is Zopiclone 20mg?

Zopiclone 20mg is a sleeping pill. It is a former treatment for insomnia and anxiety (when triggered by sleeplessness). This prescription medicine belongs to the benzodiazepine class of drugs known for promoting faster and uninterrupted sleep.

What Does Zopiclone 20mg Tablets Consist of?

Each Zopiclone 20 mg tablet contains Zopiclone as the major composition and some non-active ingredients supporting its efficacy and longer shelf-life. The full list of product contents is on the pack.

Zopiclone 20 mg Benefits

  • One of the best short-term insomnia & anxiety treatments
  • Non-addictive (when used responsibly)
  • Supports faster onset of sleep
  • Encourages restful sleep all through the night (up to 8 hours)
  • Allows the user to wake up in a fresh, anxiety-free mood

How Does Zopiclone 20mg work?

This sleep-promoter medicine works by GABA receptors in the brain and stimulates its activities to produce a calming effect. Due to this, the patient feels sleepy and gets asleep for at least 8 hours straight. Thanks to this simple action, it is possible to relieve symptoms of anxiety and insomnia.

How to use Zopiclone 20mg Tablets?

Zopiclone dosage should be taken as per medical guidance only. Follow the indications and never misuse this sleeping pill else it’ll cause habit-forming.

Take it this way:

  • Swallow one whole Zopiclone 20mg tablet with a glass of water an hour before going to bed.
  • Take the dosage without crushing, chewing, or breaking the pill.
  • Maintain a gap of at least 1 – 2 hours between dosage timings and dinner for faster absorption of this drug.

Dosage Warnings

  • This medicine is not a replacement for sleep.
  • The total treatment period with Zopiclone 20 tablets is up to three or four weeks only. If usage is extended beyond this, it can impose abusive potentials. Hence, avoid prolonged use.
  • Do not drink caffeinated beverages while you plan to use this sleeping pill. Caffeine keeps you awake while Zopiclone wants you to sleep. The clash can lead to a negative impact on your health.
  • Avoid any type of alcoholic drinks during your treatment period else it’ll lead to excessive sleepiness whilst affecting the performance of the medicine.
  • Attempt your dosage only if you are sure to get some rest right after. If you have to perform any focus-needing activities (like driving, using machinery, etc) then you better avoid using this sleeping pill.
  • Never use this medicine in the middle of the night, in case you forget to take the dosage at indicated times. Else, it’ll keep you asleep for at least 8 hours which could mess with your routine.
  • It is not suggested to overdose on this medicine else it could make it difficult for the user to wake up the next morning.

Other Strength

Drug Interactions with Zopiclone 20mg

Its major interaction is with opioids. Zopiclone may be unsafe to use with medicines such as antipsychotics, antibiotics, ritonavir, antifungals, sedatives, narcotic analgesics, hypnotics, etc. More such interactions prevail.

Inform your doctor if you are ongoing treatment with any medicines (be it any vitamins or herbal supplements, prescription or OTC drugs, etc) before using them with this one.

Zopiclone 20 Mg Side Effects

Let us share some severe and life-threatening side effects of Zopiclone 20 mg tablets. Make sure to get prompt medical attention if they appear:

  • Breathing difficulties
  • Troubles in swallowing
  • Swelling of the lips, mouth, tongue, or throat
  • Symptoms of amnesia/memory loss
  • Hallucinations
  • Imbalance or falling (specifically in elderly patients)
  • Depressiveness
  • Delusions
  • Numbness or tingling sensations
  • Respiratory depression

Here are some of the most common Zopiclone 20 side effects which appear initially for a few days and subside by themselves:

  • Dry mouth
  • Yawning during the day
  • Sleepyhead
  • Bitter or metallic taste in the mouth
  • Headache
  • Nightmares
  • Aggression
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Physical or mental fatigue
  • Decreased sex drive
  • Itchiness
  • Confusion
  • Indigestion
  • Muscular weakness
  • Sleepwalking

Most patients don’t require immediate medical attention to manage them.

Warnings & Precautions

  • Use Zopiclone 20 mg tablets responsibly and not beyond 4 weeks. This sleeping pill has a high potential for abuse/habit-forming if misused or overdosed. In case you experience any adverse or abusive reactions, consult the physician as soon as possible.
  • Buy zopiclone 20mg online only if you are prescribed this medicine. Also, make sure you are not allergic to any ingredients mentioned on the label (active or nonactive).
  • Never take this sleep promoter medicine with opioids else it can cause difficulties in breathing.
  • One of the rare side effects of this medicine is suicidal thoughts or behaviour. If you ever experience such feelings, talk to the physician as soon as possible.
  • This medicine should not be used among patients with pre-existing conditions like respiratory issues, severe muscle weakness, sleep apnoea, kidney or liver impairment, mental health concerns, etc.
  • Inform the doctor if you have recently used Zopiclone or substitutes for four weeks.
  • Stop taking this medicine once the advised treatment period ends to ensure safety.


Zopiclone is a legitimate sleeping pill and this dosage is one of the strongest insomnia & anxiety treatments you’ll ever use. It is mainly prescribed when other low-strength dosages fail to improve the underlying symptoms. When used responsibly & discontinued after three to four weeks (as advised), it relieves anxiety and enhances the overall sleep routine as expected.

Why not buy zopiclone 20 Mg in Malaysia from Malaysiameds.com?! A trusted pharmaceutical by thousands of Malaysians delivering 100% assured quality medicines at the best prices.


How does Zopiclone 20 mg work in the body?

In a nutshell, it slows down brain activities by influencing the GABA receptors which leads to a faster onset of sleep, promotes sound sleep throughout the night, and relieves symptoms of anxiety.

What are the main ingredients in Zopiclone 20 mg?

Zopiclone (20mg) is the major active ingredient of this medicine. It contains non-active components too. Look for them on the product label.

Can I break Zopiclone 20 mg tablets in half?

No, it should not be split into half and consumed as a whole tablet instead for desired effectiveness.

Is it safe to take Zopiclone with other sleeping pills?

No, it is unsafe to take Zopiclone with other sleeping pills. Never combine this medicine with alternative sleeping aid medicines else you’ll experience severe allergies.

Is it hard to stop using Zopiclone 20 mg?

If used according to the prescription and not continued for a prolonged period then it is not difficult to stop using this medicine. However, if you find it hard to discontinue this insomnia treatment then seek medical help.


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