Why do you Feel Hungry After Sex?
Feeling hungry after sex is your body’s normal physiological response. It primarily occurs due to the release of hormones in your brain during sexual arousal such as testosterone and serotonin. They basically stimulate your appetite and signal your body to regain its energy which it has used during physical activity.
If you are wondering why do we get hungry after sex, then the answer is as follows. When you get sexually stimulated, the release rates of the hormones start to rise. And their production is at the peak right after you have performed the intercourse. One of the hormones released in such situations, called testosterone, is primarily responsible for regulating your appetite and controlling your eating behavior.
Hormonal Changes During and After Sex
Do you feel hungry after sex? A number of hormones are released by your body during and after sex can make you feel hungry. Some of the most notable ones here are oxytocin, along with endorphins, dopamines, etc. Each of them plays a crucial role in your overall sexual experience and how your body responds afterwards:
- Oxytocin is primarily released at orgasm. It promotes the feelings of closeness and attachment with your partner.
- Endorphin is released during sexual excitement and orgasm. These are also known as natural pain killers and also promote the overall feeling of well-being.
- Dopamine is associated with pleasure and its release during sex would enhance your overall experience.
- Serotonin is another hormone which contributes to the feeling of satisfaction.
Energy Expenditure During Sex

According to research, the energy expenditure during sex is around 100 calories for men and 70 calories for women. This is when sex is a moderate intensity activity. However, the total energy expenditure would depend on certain factors like your activity, movement intensity, and body weight. The amount of foreplay done will also have an impact on this.
The Role of Blood Sugar and Metabolism
Your blood sugar levels can increase or decrease during or after your sexual activities. As sex is a form of physical activity, it can cause a drop in your blood glucose levels. However, if you have had alcohol, then the risk of your blood sugar dropping would increase.
Your metabolism might temporarily increase after sex because of the physical exertion involved during the process. This is Why Do I Get Hungry After Sex. It is like burning calories during physical activities, but the exact impact would depend on the intensity and the total time taken for the sexual encounter. The metabolism rate after sex might get higher in men than in women. This is because sex hormones like testosterone and estrogen plays an important role in impacting the metabolism process.
Psychological and Emotional Factors
If you are wondering does sex make you hungry, then let us tell you, yes, it does. You can experience a range of psychological and emotional factors after sex, which is mainly because of hormonal fluctuations. You might experience a range of emotions during this time, which can be both positive (like love, affection, etc.) and negative (like anxiety, irritability, etc.), which can collectively be known as postcoital dysphoria. A number of reasons can influence your emotions post-sex. This would include:
- Your relationship dynamics with your partner
- If there is a history of sexual trauma
- If you experience any type of performance anxiety
- If you have any existing mental health conditions like depression, anxiety, etc.
ED medicines also cause hunger after sex
ED medicines like Kamagra oral jelly and Super Kamagra from reputed online pharmacies like malaysiameds.com can enhance your sexual performance. It will give you hard and long erections, so that you can have a more satisfying intercourse. With enhanced sexual performance, you might feel more hungry thereafter. We have stated above why does sex make you hungry? So there might not be a direct link between ED medicines and hunger after sex, but after taking the medications, and performing the activity, you might start feeling more hungry.
Evolutionary Perspectives on Post-Sex Hunger
If we talk about the evolutionary perspective, post-sex hunger can be seen as a biological mechanism. It would encourage the individuals to replenish your energy expenditure done during your sexual activities. It ensures that enough energy is reserved in your body to suffice any kind of future mating opportunities.
Is Post-Sex Hunger Always Normal?

If you feel hungry after sex, that is quite normal. This is because of the hormones secreted, and also, it’s your body’s way of restoring the energy that you have spent during the sexual intercourse.
Tips for managing cravings after sex
- You can opt for mindfulness and relaxation techniques. Do not acknowledge the cravings right away, instead pay attention to the thoughts and emotions that arise after sex. You can perform deep breathing exercises during this time.
- Create distraction by getting engaged in other hobbies. You can do something that is not sexually stimulating or shift your focus to social interactions.
- Acknowledge your cravings and seek medical help, as and when necessary.
Feeling hungry after sex is a common thing and you must not get worried about it. It mainly occurs because of the hormones and to regain the energy that you have spent while performing sexual activities. If you feel that the cravings are going out of hand and you are unable to control it, then you can always consider going for medical help.